Below, you'll find a number of DIY guitar effects pedal kits & PCB's based on original DIY Compressor pedals from famous brands. If there are any other pedals that you'd like to see featured, please get in touch and let me know.
I have been a guitar and effects pedal enthusiast since 2005 and electronics tinkerer since 2017.
I’m here to help you begin your journey with building DIY guitar effects pedals. Get in touch with me if you have any questions.
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Want to build your own pedals and learn from the actual master himself?
Brian Wampler, of Wampler Pedals and The Chasing Tone Podcast, has just finished his very own video course on how to build DIY guitar effects pedals called
As a special treat to visitors of this site, you can get a 25% discount when you use my code diyfx25 at the checkout.